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Employers Liability

A specialized kind of insurance that is designed to protect the company. This insurance covers losses that the company would incur from employees' legal claims against it. That is any damages that they are legally liable to pay consequent upon death of or bodily injury to or illness of any person employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship with the insured which occurred in the course of or in connection with such employment.

It indemnifies the insured against legal liabilities under common law, negligence or breach of statutory duty for damages, claimant's cost and expenses of litigation in respect of accidents, illnesses or death to employees happening in course of employment.


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Physical Address: Consolidated Bank House, 4th Floor, 23 Koinange Street, CBD Nairobi. Postal Address: P.O.Box 14898-00100 Nairobi , Fax No: 2219773 ,
Tel: 2210247/2245081/2221186,  Mobile: 0721-379066/0733-834270 , Email: insure@swiftlife.co.ke